Marvel and Disney's Moon Knight series has ended on a cliffhanger with 6 episodes.

Marvel and Disney's Moon Knight series Oscar Isaac emerges as the superhero.

Although the history of Moon Knight has been very cruel in the Marvel Comics book.

Marvel and Disney's Moon Knight, led by Isaac's Marc Spector and Steven Grant, leaves a deep impression on the audience.

For the first time, Marvel Studios has gone out of its tone and served something new in front of the audience, which they have liked very much.

Moon Night series emphasizes more on its emotional aspect, which makes the audience feel emotional.

Moon Knight's post credits scene tease the series' second season.

Will There Season 2 for Moon Knight

Although officially Marvel Studios has not yet confirmed Season 2 of Moon Knight.

Moon Knight is considered to be the best series ever after Marvel's Loki series.

Marvel's Moon Knight series is streaming on Disney Plus with its six episodes.